At SYCAMORE AGRO-COMMODITIES, we strive to build relationships that help ensure the rights and interests of all parties are respected and represented. Through ethical governance and engagement, we work to bring value and economic benefits, supporting the long-term development of the communities in which we operate.

Community Consultation

There is an open dialogue between the company and community representatives to make sure the company has their interests in mind.

Creating Local Jobs

SYCAMORE AGRO-COMMODITIES is committed to hiring people from the communities where our operations are located, when possible, we look for opportunities to create jobs within the community

Community Apprenticeship Program

The Community Apprenticeship Program established in 2017 provides comprehensive training for unemployed youth in the communities near SYCAMORE AGRO-COMMODITIES’s operations.

Fostering Alternative and Sustainable Livelihoods

Assisting local communities to become economically self-sustaining is a long-term priority, with efforts focused primarily on agriculture, the principal livelihood for the regional population.

Our agricultural operations cover largely Singida and Dodoma regions, with an emphasis on the production of oilseed crops mainly sunflower in partnership with over 9,000 rural smallholder farmers. These have had a tremendous impact on improved community livelihoods.